Happy Equation

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Freedom is expressed in terms of space, time, working tools, and roles. It is present in marketing, organisation, decision-making and problem resolution.

Responsibility is the counterpart of freedom. It becomes the spontaneous translation of the teamwork, trust, and commitment needed for any kind of communal effort. It correlates to the right to learn from mistakes.

A happy worker:

  • is 2 times less ill
  • is 6 times less absent
  • is 9 times more loyal
  • is 31% more productive
  • is 55% more creative
  • over the age of 55, stays 4.9 to 6.6 years longer with the organisation

    Global cost of employees leaving their jobs in the US (Gallup poll, 2012): 350,000,000,000 US dollars!

A Références enquiry (09/13) showed that:
94% of people questioned said they performed better when they were happy at work
83% said they were happier when they had more freedom
65% said they were happier when they had more responsibility

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